
Faith's Call

Faith’s Call is a Christian Music Ministry based out of the Central Florida area. Individually, the group is made up of Richard Alderman, Emma Alderman, and Dori Hite, with Emma and Richard adding some occasional instrumentation. Additionally, the group consists of Josh Hite (the guy who gets us places and makes sure we eat well) and Brandy Alderman (who does all our web design, social media and marketing). Rounding out Faith’s Call is Tommy Alderman, Jacob Hite, and Brendyn Alderman, who take care of all of our sound, lighting and video, as well as set up and tear down on the few times a year we do travel to sing.

We are simply two families who have gone to church together for several years who then came together to sing the greatest music in the world: Christian Music! We call it Christian Music because that’s what we are: Christians, born again by the saving blood of Jesus Christ. Genres you may hear in concerts or on recordings by Faith’s Call include Southern Gospel, Bluegrass Gospel, Contemporary Christian, and Traditional Hymns. Simply put, if it relays the message of Hope and Faith, we will sing it.

If you follow us online and on social media, you may be wondering what  #allbecauseofsunday means.

“All because of Sunday” is a motto we adopted to describe how we started singing as a group. Our families first met while attending church on Sunday mornings more than a decade ago, and it was through Sunday morning church that our friendship developed. We discovered our shared love of the Lord and His music.  Over the years and throughout many changes, God continued to work in our lives, drawing our families together and to a new church home.  During that time, God called Richard to ministry and he is now the Worship Pastor at First Baptist Church of Oxford, while Dori and Emma sing with Richard on Sunday mornings in the praise team.  We have experienced firsthand the incredible blessings God provides us on this earth by being part of HIS church and we encourage all of our listeners to find a church home of their own.

#AllbecauseofSunday has an even greater meaning for us and it can for you as well. Jesus rose from the tomb on a Sunday morning to complete the mission that was necessary for us to be saved from our sins. It’s all because of Sunday that we have eternal hope in the salvation that we received as a result of our repentance to Him. If you are visiting our website and you have never placed your faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior, do not delay another minute! He will save you and cleanse you of every sin that you have ever committed. Then you can rejoice as we do and it will be ALL BECAUSE OF SUNDAY.

If you would like more information on what it means to be a Child of God and to have the gift of eternal life in Heaven with Him, CLICK HERE, and the plan of that Great Salvation is laid out fully for you!


God Bless You,

Faith's Call